I've said in the past that I'd document how things progress in my video game course as a way for me to look back and reflect on where I've come from, plus if it shows others out there that anyone can do this, from knowing nothing to releasing a retail game, then all the better.
This week we've finally gotten around to 3D modelling. We're just doing a basic male model in 3ds Max during the video tutorials with the aim being for us to use that as a platform to build from as all the students begin to create characters for their respective games. The experience so far I think has been the most enjoyable of the course. After all of the theoretical lessons and setbacks as far as changing curriculum goes, I'm finally seeing an actual physical representation of my work and it feels great.
Up to this stage we've worked on the necessary Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) to get it out of the way, as well as some level and world prototyping plus just generally getting used to the various software we need to use. To say it's been slow going is an understatement, but that's understandable seeing as it's really the colleges first year running this particular course and I'm one of the lucky guinea pigs. 3D modelling is a blessing now all of that is behind me.
At this stage I've created the mesh and I'm currently in the process of unwrapping and applying textures, which I'm not exactly looking forward. I can imagine it being a lot of work, but then again I'm not exactly expecting to reproduce a model as detail as a Master Chief for example. After this I'll be working on completing a weapon. Anything past that seems too far in the distance right now and if there's one thing I'm learning, it's focus.
Until next time,