
Hi! My name's Scott and I live in sunny Brisbane, Australia. I'm currently working and studying my way towards a diploma in video game development at university with plans to work on and release my first retail game shortly after. In my spare time I like to play and record various games and share with the world the kind of people and activities I run into on a daily basis. Everyone has a different story, a different perspective, and if my version of what happens can make someone laugh then my job is done.

I strongly believe that the next phase in the evolution of smart phone and tablet games are those of a substantial length with fully developed gameplay and characters, and I hope to be a part of that movement soon enough. With the technological improvements of these devices over the last few years it won't be long until they are on par with all other portable devices and capable of handling the kind of experiences we are currently getting from console and PC games. I recently heard a quote from someone saying that the video game industry now is where the cinema was 100 years ago. It has untold amounts of potential and we're only just beginning to scratch the surface of the possibilities in the genre.

Outside of the games industry my interests include photography and video editing. ScoBee (my full name is Scott Beeby) Studios is an amalgamation of all those things I love doing under one roof. I'm also a big couch potato when it comes to TV shows. Start a conversation with me about the latest episode of Breaking Bad, Suits, or Dexter and we're golden.

If you would like to contact me for any reason then please feel free to email me at scobeestudios@gmail.com or you can find me on Twitter @ScoBee_Scotty.

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